(Here's hoping if you see something you like you'll drop a line and leave a comment sharing an anecdote or viewpoint or review ---heck anything!---pertaining to the book/movie/image/song ---whatever it is!--- that's posted.)
I was told these were from the 1964 Worlds's Fair...Bert & Harry Piel were voiced by Bob & Ray as featured in a long running series of animated commercials. You can see them here:
For a history of those commercials you can go here and get the story right from the mouth of their creator Gene Deitch:
I was told these were from the 1964 Worlds's Fair...Bert & Harry Piel were voiced by Bob & Ray as featured in a long running series of animated commercials. You can see them here:
For a history of those commercials you can go here and get the story right from the mouth of their creator Gene Deitch: